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EANI Guidance 2025

Applications OPEN at 12 noon on Tuesday 28th January 2025

Applications CLOSE at 12 noon on Thursday 20th February

  • Read carefully the admissions criteria for each Post Primary school that you wish to nominate as a preference.

  • All schools will require the birth certificate to verify a child’s name and date of birth. Either a full (long) or short birth certificate may be used or an amended birth certificate or an adoption certificate, where appropriate, is acceptable. If you do not have a copy of your child’s birth certificate, please contact the school you wish to nominate to see what other documents they may accept.

  • You should refer to the admissions criteria to find out if other supporting documents are required by each of the schools you have chosen e.g. proof of address.

  • You can scan or take a photo of the documents you require for each school and save them on the device you will be using to make your Post Primary Application. Make sure the photos or scans are clear and legible.

  • For GDPR purposes you should remove personal/sensitive/private information from your documents before uploading e.g. financial details in bank statements.

  • You will require an email address to be able to register on EA Connect to submit an application.

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Parents have the right to express preferences for the schools they would like their child to attend, but no child can be guaranteed a place in any school or any particular type of school (secondary, integrated, grammar, single sex etc).


The Education Authority will not process applications to schools that have already filled all available places. If you wish to apply to a school which does not currently have any places available, contact the school in writing to request that your child’s name is placed on a waiting list. There is no right to appeal the decision of a school that has already filled its places.

Consider whether transport assistance will be available from the EA.  Your school choices can affect eligibility for transport assistance. Check Transport Eligibility.


The Transport Eligibility Checker only provides an indication of potential eligibility at that time. You MUST apply for transport assistance online to receive a formal decision based on your circumstances (i.e. admissions preferences and distance to school) and any changes to school provision that might affect eligibility (e.g. school closures, amalgamations).  

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More key dates...

Tuesday 25th February 2025 by 4pm

Final date for late applications.

Final date/time for Change of Preference in Exceptional Circumstances.

Final date for documents in support of applications.

Saturday 10 May 2025

Parents/carers will receive application outcome via email (where one is held) or by letter.

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